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Welcome to Episode 99 of the Salsa Kings LIVE podcast

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On this episode of Salsa Kings live, Andres is joined by Albertico, who has been doing dance since 1999. Having started at the age of 7 and becoming proficient enough to teach at the age of 15, one could see why he has good foundations. He came to America at five and even at a young age, his parents recognized his talent for dance and put him in salsa, which he immediately felt an affinity for above other hobbies. After a two year hiatus, he returned to Salsa Kings in 2009, where he met your humble host Andres. Andres himself recounts the humorous story of their meeting. 

The subject Albertico wants to discuss is the importance of foundations. Much like a building, dance and any other skill requires a good foundation. You can’t do the masterwork without knowing the most basic steps first. You need to have comfort in basic steps and what you want to achieve before you can go on to something more complex, which frustrates many who don’t immediately see the fruits of the labor of their practice. Albertico discusses what he sees as an unfortunate lack of emphasis on these basics, making a lot of modern dancers less focused. This may seem unimportant, but Albertico has seen people hurt themselves on the dance floor due to their lack of understanding of the basics. Things like posture, rhythm and how you step may seem unimportant until you learn why they’re needed.

It isn’t just about rhythm or steps, of course. It’s also about understanding the basics of the emotional connection and what you’re trying to achieve with it. It’s about understanding your role as a lead or a follow and making sure that the connection is in place so that your dance is in sync. These may seem like very basic things, but so many people fail to be certain of these basic things and it can end up hurting their dance or even their physical well-being.

Remember your foundations. The stronger they are, the easier they are to build on. Just as in architecture, so it is in dance.

“It’s a beautiful process that happens. Take your time with it, learn it, let it settle, learn it again, and move at a nice good pace.”

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